Boat Insurance

Everything you need to know about boat insurance!

If you’re anything like me, who’s had boats for years, we fill in the forms, hand them to an insurance broker and choose the cheapest policy that covers what we think we need. In actual fact, there’s quite a bit more to boat insurance than meets the eye, and treating it more positively may well give us much better cover for our budget!

Whether it’s a small fishing vessel or a luxury superyacht, along with the excitement of boat ownership comes the responsibility of protecting your, sometimes considerable, investment and your activities on the water with respect to yourself and others. This is where boat insurance plays a crucial role. In these paragraphs, we will explore the types of insurance available and delve into the different aspects of the marine insurance market worldwide. Understanding these key factors will help you make informed decisions regarding safeguarding your prized boat.

Boat Insurance Company, Underwriter, Broker – Who Does What?

When it comes to boat insurance, there are three key players involved: the insurance company, the underwriter, and the broker. Each of these parties plays a distinct role to play:

boat insurance company is an entity that ultimately takes on the risk of insuring your boat. They are responsible for setting the rates, determining cover options, and processing claims. The boat insurance company also handles the administrative tasks associated with insurance policies, such as billing and policy renewal. They have the expertise and knowledge to evaluate risks and ensure the insured boat owner receives appropriate cover.

The underwriter is the individual or team, within the boat insurance company or externally, who assesses the risk associated with a particular boat insurance policy. They use various factors to evaluate the likelihood of a claim and determine the premium amount accordingly. Underwriters analyse information about the boat, its usage, the owner’s boating experience, and other relevant factors to decide on cover terms and rates. They play a crucial role in minimising the insurance company’s exposure by carefully assessing risk.

The broker is an intermediary between the boat owner and the insurance company. Their primary role is to represent the interests of the boat owner and assist in finding the most suitable insurance policy for their specific needs. Brokers have a thorough understanding of the insurance market and a range of knowledge about different policies and cover options. They help boat owners navigate the complex insurance landscape, providing guidance to ensure they have the appropriate level of cover at the best possible price.

Brokers work closely with boat owners to gather all the relevant information the underwriters need to assess the risk and provide accurate quotes. They also negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of their clients, aiming to secure the most favourable terms and premiums. Additionally, brokers play a crucial role in claims management. They guide boat owners through the claims process, help them understand their rights and ensure that they receive fair compensation in the event of a covered loss.

In my experience, I’ve found that brokers invariably send you the forms from companies they work with and ask you to fill in the information! However, they usually work with several insurance companies to provide you with a range of quotes to consider.

Why You Should Insure Your Boat

Peace of Mind on the Water

Owning a boat is an exciting experience but comes with its fair share of risks and responsibilities. Boat insurance is designed to alleviate many of those worries and provide you with peace of mind whilst you enjoy your time on the water.

Insurance policies cover a wide range of risks, including accidents, theft, vandalism, and even natural disasters. With the right policy in place, you can confidently navigate the waters, knowing you are financially protected.

Protecting the Financial Investment in the Boat

Investing in a boat is a significant financial commitment. Protecting your investment should be a top priority whether you own a small fishing boat or a luxurious superyacht. Suppose you have taken out finance to buy. In that case, your finance house will insist that a comprehensive insurance policy covers their risk.

Accidents happen, and the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged boat can be exorbitant. Without proper insurance cover, you could be left with a hefty bill that could drain your savings or put you in a difficult financial situation. Boat insurance ensures that you are protected against these unexpected expenses, allowing you to enjoy your investment without worrying about the economic consequences of mishaps.

A well-written policy covers the boat itself and extends to the equipment and personal belongings on board. If your fishing gear, water sports equipment, or other valuable items are damaged, lost, or stolen, you can rely on your insurance policy to provide the necessary cover.

Protecting Those on Board and Other Boaters

Accidents with your boat can harm those on board and others using the waterways. Most good boat insurance policies cover your liability for others as well as injury to yourself whilst you’re using the boat.

Types of Boat Insurance Cover

Boat insurance policies come in various types, each offering specific coverage to protect boat owners from risks. Additional cover is available for professional yachtsmen/crew and those looking to charter a boat.

Some of the most common types of boat insurance policies include:

Hull Insurance

Hull insurance covers the physical damage to your boat, such as in a collision, grounding, or fire. An Agreed Value Policy covers the boat for a pre-determined, agreed-upon value between the insured and the insurer. The agreed-upon value is paid out without depreciation in the event of a total loss. Agreed value policies may have higher premiums compared to actual cash value policies.

An Actual Cash Value (ACV) Policy covers the boat for its current market value at the time of the loss, taking into account depreciation. In the event of a claim, the insurer pays out the boat’s current value, which may be less than the original purchase price. ACV policies may offer lower premiums but provide less coverage for older boats.

Third-party Liability Insurance

Also known as Civil Liability insurance, this policy covers any damage or injury you cause to others while operating your boat. Note that in some countries, it is mandatory to have boat insurance. For example, in Spain, purchasing civil liability covering recreational boats is compulsory.

Liability-only policies do not cover any damage to the insured boat itself.

Personal Accident/Medical Expenses Insurance

This policy covers you and your passengers for the loss of life or limbs and the cost of medical expenses incurred in the event of an accident while on your boat.

Equipment/Personal Property Insurance

This policy protects personal belongings and equipment on the insured boat, such as fishing gear, water sports equipment, and electronics, in case of damage, loss, or theft.

Towing and Salvage/ Emergency Assistance Insurance

This policy covers reimbursement for emergency services, such as towing, fuel delivery, and on-water assistance, to get the insured boat safely back to shore in case of a breakdown or accident.

Comprehensive Boat Insurance or All Risks Policy

A comprehensive policy offers broad coverage, including liability protection and cover for physical damage to the insured boat.

Physical Damage Cover – This covers the cost of repairs or replacement if the insured boat collides with another object, such as another boat, a dock, or a submerged object. Comprehensive policies also protect against non-collision incidents like fire, theft, vandalism, storms, and other damages.

Liability Cover – Protects against bodily injury and property damage claims made against the boat owner.

The specific cover you need will depend on the boat you own, how you use it, and where you operate it. For example, if you own a large yacht that you use for chartering, you will need a more comprehensive insurance policy than if you own a small fishing boat that you use for personal use.

In addition to the types of insurance listed above, there are also several optional add-ons that you can purchase, such as:

  • Uninsured/Underinsured Boater Coverage – protects the boat owner and passengers if they are involved in an accident with a boater who has no insurance or insufficient insurance to cover the damages. Uninsured/underinsured boater coverage can be crucial in situations where the responsible party does not have adequate insurance protection.
  • Collision waiver – will waive your deductible in the event of a collision.
  • Excess liability – will increase your liability coverage.
  • Wreck removal insurance – will cover the cost of removing your boat from the water in the event of a wreck.

Boat insurance policies offered in the US and Canada are similar to those in Europe, but there are some key differences.

  • Liability coverage – In the US and Canada, liability coverage is typically required for all boats, regardless of their size or use. Liability coverage is not always needed in Europe, and the minimum coverage limits may be lower.
  • Personal injury protection (PIP) – pays for medical expenses and lost wages for you and your passengers in the event of an accident. PIP is not typically offered in Europe but is often required in the US and Canada.
  • Collision coverage – pays for repairing or replacing your boat if it is damaged in a collision. Collision coverage is typically optional in Europe but is often required in the US and Canada.
  • Deductibles – The deductible is the amount of money you must pay out of pocket before your insurance company covers a claim. Deductibles are typically higher in the US and Canada than in Europe.
  • Cost – Boat insurance is typically more expensive in the US and Canada than in Europe. 

Here is a table that summarises the key differences between boat insurance policies in the US and Canada vs Europe:

FeatureUS and CanadaEurope
Liability coverageRequiredNot always required
Personal injury protection (PIP)Often requiredNot typically offered
Collision coverageTypically requiredOptional
DeductiblesTypically higherTypically lower
CostMore expensiveLess expensive

It is important to note that these are just general guidelines, and a boat insurance policy’s specific terms and conditions will vary depending on the insurer. It is always best to compare quotes from different insurers before you purchase a policy.

Factors Affecting Boat Insurance Premiums

The cost of boat insurance can vary depending on the type of boat you own, how you use it, and where you operate it. You should review your boat insurance policy regularly to ensure it continues to meet your needs.

Several factors can influence the premiums you’ll pay:

Boat Type and Value

The type and value of your boat play a significant role in determining your insurance premiums. Generally, larger and more expensive boats tend to have higher premiums due to the increased risk and potential costs associated with repairs or replacements. Additionally, certain boat types, such as high-performance boats or sailboats, may have higher premiums due to their unique characteristics and associated risks.

Navigational Area

The area where you plan to navigate your boat is another critical factor in determining your insurance premiums. Different regions and bodies of water present varying risks, such as congested waterways, unpredictable weather patterns, or higher theft rates. For example, if you plan to sail in an area prone to hurricanes or storms, your premiums may be higher to account for the increased likelihood of damage occurring.

Boating Experience and Safety Training

Your boating experience and safety training also play a role in determining your insurance premiums. Insurance providers typically offer discounts to individuals who have completed boating safety courses or have extensive experience on the water. These discounts reflect the reduced risk associated with knowledgeable and experienced boaters more likely to practice safe boating habits.

Your Claims History

As with motor insurance, your premiums will be higher if you’ve had accidents and made claims on your policies.

Deductibles and Coverage Limits

The deductibles and coverage limits you choose for your boat insurance policy can directly impact your premiums. A deductible is the amount you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance cover kicks in. Generally, higher deductibles result in lower premiums. Still, it’s essential to consider your financial situation and ability to cover the deductible in the event of a claim. Similarly, coverage limits determine the maximum amount your insurance provider will pay for a covered loss. Higher limits typically lead to higher premiums, but they also provide greater protection in case of a significant incident.

Tips for Getting the Best Boat Insurance Rates

  • Shop around and compare quotes from different insurers.
  • Consider purchasing a policy with a high deductible.
  • Increase your boating experience or qualifications by taking lessons or certificated courses.
  • Maintain a clean claims history.
  • Operate your vessel in a lower-risk area.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate! Don’t hesitate to negotiate with the insurer if you find a quote you like. You may get a lower rate by increasing your deductible or bundling your boat insurance with other policies.

Finding a Good Boat Insurance Broker

Finding a good insurance broker involves several key steps to ensure you partner with a reliable and competent professional. Here’s a guide on how to go about finding the right marine insurance broker:

  • Ask for recommendations from fellow boat owners, yacht clubs, or marine associations. Personal referrals can provide valuable insights into the experience and quality of service offered by potential brokers.
  • Use search engines and online directories to find marine insurance brokers in your area or those specialising in boat insurance. Pay attention to reviews and testimonials from their clients.
  • Check if the broker is licensed and accredited to offer marine insurance services. Look for industry certifications and memberships in professional associations, which can indicate their commitment to ethical standards and expertise.
  • Assess the broker’s experience in the marine insurance industry. An experienced broker is better equipped to understand the complexities of boat insurance and provide tailored solutions.
  • Inquire about the range of coverage options the broker can provide. A good broker should offer various policies and be able to customise coverage to suit your specific needs.
  • Ensure that the insurance companies the broker represents are financially stable and have a strong reputation for handling claims promptly and efficiently.
  • Look for a broker who is responsive to your inquiries and communicates clearly. A reliable broker should be readily available to address your concerns and provide assistance when needed.
  • Request references from the broker and speak with their current or previous clients. Inquire about their experiences, level of satisfaction, and in particular, any claims handling issues.
  • Choose a broker who is transparent about their services, fees, and commissions. They should be upfront about potential conflicts of interest and prioritise your best interests.
  • Ultimately, trust your instincts when selecting a marine insurance broker. Opt for someone you feel comfortable working with and who demonstrates genuine interest in protecting your boating investment.

By following these steps, you can increase the likelihood of finding a reputable and capable marine insurance broker who will provide comprehensive cover and excellent service for your vessel.

Obtaining Proposals

  • Educate yourself on the range of boat insurance available so that you understand the different coverage available and ask for quotes based on your needs.
  • Be clear about your specific insurance needs. Consider factors such as how and where you intend to use your boat and any unique risks associated with your boating activities.
  • Not all brokers work with the same insurance companies, so contact a range of insurance brokers to obtain a spread of offers. Some insurance companies, such as Pantaenius, do not use brokers and will provide you with a quotation directly.
  • Be prepared to provide information about your boat, such as the type, value, and location. You should also have a list of the cover you’re looking for. Ensure you provide the same information and coverage details to each insurer/broker when requesting quotes. This will enable you to make apples-to-apples comparisons in the next step.
  • Many insurers will require you to provide a copy of a recent survey, typically carried out within the last six months to a year. If you’re buying the boat, the pre-purchase survey/boat inspection report will be fine; otherwise, you can obtain an Insurance Condition Report and Valuation. You may be required to provide evidence that safety issues highlighted in either survey have been addressed before cover can commence.

Comparing Quotations

Comparing quotes from different insurance companies is essential to find the best cover to suit your needs and budget. Before you start comparing quotes, revisit your requirements from the policy. What levels and types of coverage do you need? Are you looking for an agreed value policy of an actual cash value? What is your budget? 

Draw up a table of your needs vs the insurance proposals listing the key components of, and making notes on, the offer:

  • The cost of the policy – compare the premium costs for each quote. Remember that the lowest premium may not always provide the best coverage, so focus on the overall value rather than just the price.
  • The cover included in the policy – pay close attention to the coverage limits offered in each quote. Ensure the limits align with your needs and adequately protect your boat and assets.
  • Review policy inclusions and exclusions – carefully examine the inclusions and exclusions in each quote. Ensure that all the essential coverage you require is included. Be aware of any exclusions that may limit your protection.
  • The deductible/excess – check the deductible/excess amounts specified in each quote. A higher deductible may result in lower premiums but also means you’ll have to pay more out-of-pocket in case of a claim.
  • Check for additional benefits or discounts – look for any other benefits or discounts offered by the insurance companies. Some may provide benefits like accident forgiveness or multi-policy discounts that make their offer more appealing.
  • Assess the insurer’s reputation – research the reputation and financial stability of the insurance companies. Read customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into their claims process and customer service. Ensure that the insurers and brokers you consider are licensed and accredited to provide insurance services in your state or region.

Here are some additional tips for comparing quotations from different insurers:

Ask questions 

Ask the insurer or broker if you have any questions about the quotes. They should be able to answer any questions about the policy and the cover included.

Read the fine print

Be sure to read the fine print. This is where you’ll find information about the cover included in the policy, the deductible, and any other terms and conditions.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate

Don’t hesitate to negotiate with the insurer if you like a policy. Many insurers are open to customising terms to accommodate individual requirements. You may get a lower rate by increasing your deductible or bundling your boat insurance with other policies.


By fully understanding the types of insurance cover available, and your specific needs, you can take a more proactive role in sourcing the perfect policy to give you peace of mind. Remember to reassess your needs regularly and be prepared to undertake a new Condition and Valuation Report of your boat if you change insurers after several years.

No one wants to make a claim, so:

  • Keep your boat clean and well-maintained. This will help to reduce the risk of accidents and damage.
  • Be aware of the weather conditions before you go boating. 
  • Be responsible. Alcohol and boating do not mix.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings when you are boating, taking care not to hit other boats or objects in the water.

Directory of Boat Insurance Companies

The majority of Insurance companies issue policies through a network of insurance brokers. The following listings tell you about the types of policies the company issues and the cover they provide: